Message from R.W. The R.G.M. of the Regional Grand Lodge of Western India

Dear Brethren All
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Special Meetings of the Regional Grand Lodge of Western India to be held at Bhopal on 28th and 29th of September 2024. It is with immense gratitude that I greet each of the Delegates and I hope that your stay in Bhopal for these Meetings will be a memorable experience for all of you.
The city of Bhopal is a vibrant city making it a unique and dynamic place in the heart of India. The city's architectural heritage and cultural significance, particularly its arts, crafts, and cuisine, make it a remarkable and inspiring location for the Special Meetings of the Regional Grand Lodge of Western India.
Brethren, during my last visit to Bhopal, it was a pleasant experience to note the commendable Charitable activities undertaken by the Brethren of Bhopal e.g. Dhanya Dan project at Cancer hospital, Thalassemia Awareness programme at Government hospital, supporting an Orphanage etc. I earnestly request everyone to support the project Thalassemia Awareness Programme not only financially but also, by conducting / arranging lectures at all the Centres in small group of people of the Society , starting with the Brethren and their families. Let us strive to make our Nation Thalassemia Free.
I would like to extend my appreciation to the Organizing Committee under the leadership of V. W. Bro. Girish Wagh, Chairman, and W. Bro Kapildev Sharma, Secretary, for their efforts in making the Special Meetings a reality. Their meticulous planning, hard work, and unwavering enthusiasm, I am sure, will make this event a grand success.
Together, we are stronger, and together, let us continue to make strides towards a brighter future. Thank you once again for your invaluable support and participation.
I take this opportunity to wish the Organising Team all the success for this event.
With fraternal regards,

. R.W. Bro Subhash Saraf
Regional Grand Master
Regional Grand Lodge of Western India

  • W. Bro. Kapil Deo Sharma
    Organising Secretary
    E-6/92, Arera Colony, Bhopal – 462016
    (M) 9303132276.

Treasurer 9425000228